
6th Jan, 2025 Nifty trade day

 An analysis of what went wrong. It's been a long time since I lost in trading, and felt an urge to sit down and document what went wrong. The loss was not that big, but what bugged me was that I was right first and wrong afterwards. When I go wrong in trading, I usually don't bother because it is part of the game. But yesterday, I lost when I should not. I initially took a put and sold it off as I thought I was losing money, I can live with that but not the blunders which were done afterwards. Nifty daily chart It's a downtrend, more importantly, Nifty is on time correction. Nifty 5 min chart It was a clear-cut down move, I failed to read the trend and let my emotions creep in due to a wrong trade which *ucked up everything(sorry for the language but can't find a better word to describe). Nifty 1 min chart It's pure noise. But it does tell short-term trends if u keep on staring in the window which at times is not helpful. The question is when charts in all timefram...

SQL 101 : CH 1 Notes : Teach yourself SQL

These notes should be more than enough to revise and learn stuff. No need to go to book after it. Examples are also included for better revision and understanding of concepts. SQL session commands : 1)     CONNECT - Command is used to connect to a database. This command can either invoke a connection or change the connection to the database. Ex. connected as USER1 and gave command of USER2, the command will terminate the previous user connection and establish the connection for USER2.     Syntax: CONNECT user@database.       link:  Official documentation for CONNECT command     Takeaway -> Initializing a database can be tricky and not as simple as opening a Jupyter book. Be thorough with the process. All SQL servers are password-protected. 2)     DISCONNECT AND EXIT ->   Use to disconnect a user from a database.           Exit: While giving the disconnect command, the soft...

IBM Introduction to data engineering : Module 4 review

What I learn in module 4 of IBM data engineering? Module 4 of IBM Data Engineering is about careers and opportunities in the DE field. I find this module particularly important because I have been researching how to be a data engineer for the past month. The content on the internet is confusing.  What I learned from the internet in the past month about being a data engineer is that it is a highly technical field. There are no sure-shot paths to be a DE, no curriculum and a lot of noise. I took my time researching for a month before becoming laser-focused on what to do in the shortest time possible. A view of what I learned in the past month's internet search is learning SQL, NoSQL, Postgre SQL, Python and Java. This module added some more valuable inputs in what to learn. The question would be why Java, why not Scala because a lot of interview requirements are either Java or Scala? I found out that one can't learn Scala if they don't have a prerequisite understanding of Jav...

Swing Trading mindset

It started with luck before it became a passion personal project. Before coming to NZ, I put 5 lakhs rupees in my mum’s demat account to trade Indian markets. It was never my idea to trade Indian markets full-time or even part-time. But I somehow lost 10% of my mum’s capital in February and March. The idea of losing Mum's money is disappointing. I just didn’t know how to cope with that. I have faced a lot of losses before, so I am kind of numb and unreactive when my portfolio is at a loss. I don’t do anything when my portfolio is tossed into a loss. I took 1% of the remaining capital and started derivatives trading from the capital. The reason I started with derivatives trading was because I knew this is how I will make money quickly. I end up losing more. And then I decided to quit everything and wait for a clear-cut market direction. In March markets were directionless and making money buying options was difficult or not possible for a retail trader. So, the best decision was to ...

Personal project on trading with Mum's money.

Sucker who trade 103: Personal Project On Trading I started a personal project when I took a career break for my studies. I took some money from my mum promising her 10% returns by the end of the year (yeah, that’s a risky bet) and made a stock and derivatives portfolio. First, I was confused about how to invest this money, do swing trading, derivatives trading, or commodity trading. I tried everything and lost 10% of the principal amount quickly. That was a setback given my career of setbacks in trading. I analyzed where I went wrong. The first thing I was not focused. I was changing countries then. I was trading between changing countries and career profiles.    Second, I didn’t pay attention to detail. I didn’t realize how much charges I was paying to the broker for my trade. As per my experience, a broker can make a lot of money from client trades. Irrespective of whether you lose or win broker charges plus government taxes are always going to be there. We never look at th...

Sucker Who Trade 102

  Sucker Who Trade 102: Personal note - Sometimes I feel some stocks are like Those bad partners with whom you don't want to be in a relationship but somehow end up with them any given day. I have evil stocks like those in my portfolio. I bought them at reasonable price and then they crash. Then I sell those stocks. After my sell order, the stock becomes rocket. Again I buy those fuckers at a high price and they crash. The cycle keeps on going on like this and I just wonder wtf this fucker is doing in my portfolio....eating time value of money. Pure self-inflicted misery and pain periodically.  Main content -> After getting overwhelmed by credit card debts I realized one thing. You can never outrun credit cards and loans. That's how the system works. You can never outrun this stuff. Our parents were lucky in this aspect, they got property at a low price, stocks at low prices, gold at a low price and whatever at a low price with adequate wages of course. We millennials cant ...

Sucker Who Trade 101

  Sucker Who Trade 101: I quit my full-time job some time ago for higher studies. After working for 8.5 years in the grilling Indian banking industry I wanted a change of air to understand what was going on in the world. I started working full-time at the age 21. I was good at studying stuff I like to study but never got time to study. Sometimes it was student loans, sometimes it was credit card debts and after some time it was I like hanging around my office and colleagues which kept me on the job.  Luckily starting at a very young age does help me in identifying what I want to do for money or what I am interested in. It was trading. Why trading? It's easy money you know if one has the right temperament and attitude. It's cool stuff but only if you have the right temperament.  I learned trading slowly for years. Whatever I earn as a salary I lost in trading. Those were painful years till I learned how to manage all this plus the emotional trauma of losing money trading. ...